1:38 p.m.

My Life

I think my life has been shortened by at least a decade...

First off, the CM1 has... let me see...

1. Drawn on my wall;
2. Poured a whole bottle of talcum powder out the window (creating snow, you know?);
3. Tried to flood my bedroom;
4. Ate a whole bag of candy which resulted in tummy ache and all;
5. Hopped and jumped on beds, sofas, you name it she's hopped on it.

And as if that's not enough, yesterday's AOPs nearly drove me mad.. SIX of them at that!

As I told someone I called after that.. WHAT is the world coming to these days!! ARGH! Anyway, thank you for listening to me grouse.. like I said, I just needed to hear a friendly voice from someone who would understand. ARGH!


Methinks I shall go see some TCM Physician on Wed regarding the back. Everyone else seems to be recommending TCM. Just hope it works.

If it doesn't get better after that I'll aim for a chiro. Or maybe go back to the orthopaedic doc I was seeing last year (although I think he'll probably talk about surgery again).

Not PT ok? I don't know why, but yeah.. My sister thinks a chiro's better than PT too. Haha.. sorry SY, if you're reading this.. got nothing against PTs.. just.. maybe later on if all else fails.

The need to lie down is increasing.. Someone thinks I'm faking it though. As far as I'm concerned he can go fly a kite or whatever.

Anyway, guess I better go rest the ole back.. Long weeks ahead. WEEKS! Save me..

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