12:37 a.m.

I AM BACK!!!!!

I haven't disappeared off the face of the earth ok! I've just been busy in camp.. or rather, in campS.

Well, I have only one thing to say about the camps.. HE doesn't make them like HE used to. I think some people will know what I mean.. cannot be too explicit here.. haha..

I think one night of lying in a dusty bunk has caused my allergic reaction to flare up again.. I'm itching like there's no tomorrow.. the last time something like this happened was in.. I dunno when, but was Dada's batch of ACOC.. spent one night in the bunk and I itched for 2 weeks. gosh..

And something I ate today made my tummy terribly unhappy.. I've been busy making friends with my toilet bowl since I came back from campfire. Bleahs..

PA1 is back in her original location.. gosh.. it's 3 months plus le... time really flies doesnt it? Before we know it she'll be back home. =)

Gotta run.. Toodle�o!!

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