11:14 a.m.


OK OK!! Updating NOW!! Kaoz.. readers can be so darned demanding.. especially when they're your PA! =p

What have I been up to? Or rather, I should be saying, what have we been up to?

Sat was spent at home (yes home, to the surprise of someone in the other continent). Cos the 2 monsters were sickly. One down with flu and the other wtth fever. The boy's down with fever cos he had 4 jabs on Friday.

Sunday saw us driving west to Lake Louise and Banff National Park. Photos should be up on webbie already (I hope).

One thing I must say.. the pictures can't really show the beauty of the place. All the mountains (Rocky Mountains, for geog buffs) were capped with snow, and in the evening, the mountain tops turned a sandy coloured golden brown while the rest of the mountain turned black. Majestic, I tell ya..

Oh yes, I have to tell you.. I nearly froze my sorry rodent butt off at Lake Louise.. I forgot how cold it could be. The ground was ICY, and there was smoke blowing out of my mouth with every breath I took. My sister had to run back to the car to get me an extra sweater cos I was wearing only a short sleeved t-shirt and my black jacket. =p

Banff was.. well, typical of a touristy town I guess, with everything touristy-priced. There's an interesting shop called 'The Spirit of Christmas', and another one called 'Rocky Mountain Chocolates'. Cool.

Go see the pictures for yourselves. =)

Monday was spent bringing the nephew to the Children's Hospital for his blood work. Blood test.

Today (Tuesday) we went to see the pediatrician. My nephew's been given the clean bill of health! =D

Tomorrow I've got that scary presentation to all the staff of the Calgary Branch of CRC. Wish me luck!


Qn: OK. So why have I not been updating?

Ans: Cos when I'm not busy looking after the 2 monsters (one who always tries to flood the house and another who drools all over the place), I'm busy tying up stuff for my volunteer work. Stuff which SOMEONE ELSE was supposed to look into. I swear my phone bill's gonna explode.

So now you know.

Overheard in Costco today:

Man (walking past me): If I didn't have a sore thumb I'd strangle her to death!

Me: Hehehehe..

In Wal Mart:

Angel: *munching on potato chips*
*sticks packet at me*

Me: No thank you.

Angel: Zha1 Ju3 (read this in cantonese)

Me: ?!?!?! (to my sister) And I thought she was offering the chips to me! She only wanted me to hold on to the pack!

Sistet: Hahahahaha.. you ought to record this down...

Me: Bleah!

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