1:11 p.m.

DinoTown - aka Drumheller - Royal Tyrell Museum and Hoodoos

Went up to Drumheller today. To the Royal Tyrell Museum. It�s a Museum devoted to pre-historic creatures.. I won�t say dinosaurs, although they�re mainly dino exhibits, cos there�re others like fishes and all that too. Those interested to find out more about it can visit their website at http://www.tyrrellmuseum.com.

Almost didn�t go today as it was snowing when I woke up (supposed to get up at 8.30 am but shut my alarm off and woke up 2 hours later instead). Fortunately it was only a light flurry, so we headed out at 11 plus afterall.

My sister said it�s her first time driving out of town in her 15 years of staying here in Calgary. Haha.. My BIL refused to allow her previously, apparently! =p

Anyway, the trip was an interesting 1 and a half hour ride. Lots of empty fields along the way. On the way back through the highway at about 5 plus in the evening, all the fields turned into fields of gold. The sunset was simply beautiful. All the clouds had silver or gold linings! Unfortunately I couldn�t get any photos through the windows. Firstly had to take care of the 2 monsters, secondly, car windows were dirty, and thirdly, we were traveling at an average speed of 120 km/h.

Will be uploading the photos soon. Look out for them!

OK, to back track, on the way there, there were some interesting incidents:

1. My niece discovered the joys of eating her medicine.

My sister: Angel come and eat your medicine!
Angel: *sucks on medicine dropper*
I want some more!
My sister: No!
Me: ?!

2. My niece tries to turn her scarf into a necklace

Angel: *takes scarf*
*proceeds to wind it round her neck and strangle herself*
Me: ?!?!


Anyway, I quite enjoyed the Museum. Very educational. Did I not mention to anyone before that when I was younger I wanted to go on an archeological dig somewhere? That�s among one of the many things I still want to do. Another is to go on an expedition to the Amazon forest. But I digress..

After the Museum we went to see what the Canadians call HOODOOS. Those who take geog would know them better as buttes and steppes. Got some photos of those too. There�s even one that looks like a turtle. Cool huh?

Anyway I�ve got a bloody headache now from trying up upload the photos to the ftp. The darn thing keeps hanging. I guess I�ll stop here. Upload again soon! Toodle�oo!!

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