8:44 a.m.

2 matters

Two matters to update about today. Actually was supposed to have updated yesterday but got home close to midnight and was half dead already.

1. Indon Class

Just discovered that it's been extended for yet one more week.. I swear, at this rate we'll never finish the course.. *grumble* Got a headache from trying to write an essay yesterday. Dada will attest to the fact that I was trying to figure out some words. And fortunately / unfortunately (depending on how you look at it) Indon is slightly different from Malay.

Ah well, pemusik and membantu aside, I think my essay was quite alright. Haha. At least there weren't any major errors. =p

2. TS Gathering!!

Goddess went!! In fact, he so loudly proclaimed my name (surname included) as I walked in that I felt kinda.. duh? A grand total of one-third of my class (including me) turned up. That's eight of us. Yep. My batch being the pioneers of the NUS TS Programme, had only 24 students in my 2nd and 3rd year (from 36 in 1st year).

Had a blast!! Haven't seen many of them for ages. One's working in 'The Event Company', one's AVP in Citibank, one's in MND (he's been there forever), and another's freelancing in video production. I tel you this so you know how diverse we've all become.. Much different from our TS backgrounds huh!

But Goddess will ALWAYS be Goddess. Oh yes! Exciting news!! He's been offered the appointment of Head (or sthg more dramatic sounding, I fail to recall) of Performing Arts School in NAFA. And he was asking me if he should take it up. Cos if he leaves NUS, there'll be NO MORE INSTITUTIONAL MEMORY for TS in NUS. I told him to heck it and just go. Afterall, as I said, Goddess will always be Goddess. He knows we love him all the same, and that's what's important, isn't it? And the good thing is that if he goes to NAFA, the entire graduates batches from TS Programme will take NAFA by storm. He knows he can always count on our support.

So yes! It was a night of catching up with everyone (well, as much as we could) and finding out what everyone else is doing. A few lost sheep here and there, but well, it's been 10 years. A decade. That number keeps appearing these days.

Nostalgia. The good old days when we were rushing around doing production after production.

Hope to see everyone again soon!

Oh ya. SW also wants a reunion. Unfortunately I'll be in Canada by then. Tough luck. Maybe next time. As you can tell, I'm not as wild about this SW gathering as I am about the TS one. They're a different bunch of people. Maybe I enjoy the b****ing of the TS group more? =p

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