10:12 p.m.

Austria 19 and 20 July

Sorry for the tardiness in updating the Austria News, folks. Have been busy turning into a panda lately.

19 July 2005

Hi again,

How many nights can people pub continuously? Almost every night we have pub time where the DJ plays music and we dance/chill out. Every night, the number of people dancing gets fewer and fewer and last night there was only 5. The people dancing are always the same, the people getting drunk are always the same and the people who are late are also always the same. We have all gotten into a routine.

Last night, we got tired of pubbing so we used the teamers' kitchen to cook supper. Dinner is getting stranger and stranger by the day. The other day, we had bread with tuna and thousand island cream. Supper for us was 'Singaporean' enough. We cooked instant noodles *smile*. Because we cooked instant noodles in the teamers' kitchen, we shared it with them too. All of them loved it! And they were amazed it takes 2 minutes to cook because their instant food takes 20 minutes to cook. Soon almost all the teamers were in the kitchen and the pub was left practically unattended. They also had a good time laughing at Mohan because Mohan always does things in a haphazard manner and always looks flustered. He now has a nick name given by a teamer: 'Master of Disaster'. =P

Today, we visited a camp for challenged kids. We had the chance to interact with them and help out at various stations such as face painting, making music from kitchen equipment, story telling etc. I put my skills to use and did massage for them! When I got tired of doing massage after about an hour (my tired fingers), I went to play the piano for the children. And I almost got my fingers chopped off! There was this kid who loves to slam the piano shut as and when he liked. Fortunately, I was not one of those who are skillful enough to play with their eyes closed. I also managed to play a duet with a guy from Spain and the kids loved it. I'm happy I was able to bring some joy to them. =)

If you are keen to see some pictures of the camp, please go to http://www.jugendrotkreuz.at/ click the banner on top that says international friendship camp. It also has daily reports (under diary) , pictures of the teamers etc.

Personal Notes:

Mum, Dad, Ivan, Eugene: Hey.. how's everything at home? Ivan's gone back to ozland? I miss the dog... send me a photo!!!

Dorlisa: Thanks for the regular updates on NDP. Glad that everything is going well. I got your sms. No, I don't know anything about the change in duty IC. Is there a problem? Please write and let me know more.

Doreen: What's the special occasion on 29th? Why that day? Must let me know early in case I need to get a present. I just had a BBQ today...

Jayson: Go apply for the 6 month contract in CGH.

45 minutes to the next activity but I'm off to my room for some quiet time. Being around so many people all the time is getting to me. I need some time alone so I don't become a cranky person. Till next time...



20 July 2005

Hi all,

We are now in the midst of busy preparation for the BIG finale at the end of the camp. Things are picking up speed and we're getting to be real busy. Every night we just fall into bed and before we know it, it's time to get up and start another day. Nothing much to report. Just hope that all is well back home.

** Mum: Make an appt with Dolly for me please? I'll be back 25th afternoon (about 2?) so maybe the appointment can be in the early evening? About 5? Cut and maybe highlight so she knows how long it will take. Thanx.



That's all, folks. Mr Zhou beckons...

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