10:58 a.m.


Took a little time off today (hence the post at this time). Finally get to wake up a little later than the usual 7.30a.m. (or earlier if making unit visits on Sats)

Had dinner two nights in a row with a friend. Friend? Yeah.. I guess despite the disparity in our appointments (I'm the small fry here) we're still friends, and for that I'm grateful to her for being unassuming. Learnt more about the upcoming UG from her. If we think we're getting it bad, we should put ourselves in her shoes. She wrote the paper for their formation, and their cmdt's office will be next to hers (heck - the signage is even up already), and she's gonna have to help him with the set up.

Anyway, back to the subject of time. It just seems to crawl when you're bored, but when you're busy or having fun, it seems to fly. Everyone knows that I guess. I mean.. I blinked my eye, and it's September now.

Time is the luxury that not everyone has. I think I've begun to appreciate it more ever since it happened to him. I wonder what the situation will be when we go see his friend again. I hope at least that nothing's changed. Would it be too much to hope for a miracle?

Maybe I should learn to be more like Z***** and spend more time with them.

Grant me strength.

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