11:29 p.m.


This conversation took place today.

Me: So you park your alpha at Changi but your driver station at campsite ok?

Him 1: Ah? But last time you said station at Changi mah?

Me: I said your ALPHA park at Changi, but your driver must be at campsite. If not he go eat or shit or what how we find him if there's emergency?

Him 1: Ok lor.. so my manpower has to be 10 + 1.

Me: You want to increase you must ask Z***** lah. Ok ok.. I'll ask her.

(awhile later, after calling z*****)

Me: She says you cap your manpower to 10 lah (actually z***** said she'd rather WE increase number rather than them). I would need you to submit nominal roll by Friday ok? If you don't have 10 by then we will make up the shortfall for you.

Him 1: (to Him 2, who is from the same organisation as Him 1) You lah.. only give me four pple.

Him 2: You never give me black and white what! How you expect me to know how many you want?!

Him 1: (turning to me) You never give me black and white leh.. how I know how many YOU want.

Me: !!! How many meetings have you attended where I said your guys provide 10?? I even said I don't want cadets from your side!! (my brain goes.. WTH!! DUH!!) It's minuted what!

Him 2: Ok.. you want 10 I give you 10 lor..

Him 1: So today and tomorrow I have to go and call people lah..

Me: (thinking to myself) my problem lah? KNS!


That long excerpt above happened early evening. Made me so pissed off. WHY IS IT THESE GOONS NEVER LISTEN IN MEETINGS??? All HE is concerned about is his stupid car label. ARGH!

HELP! Have to live 4 days with his nonsense. He better not bug me during the camp. I may just murder him.

PS said her sole duty in the camp is to stick to me and to ensure that I don't commit murder. I'm sure she's right.


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