10:36 a.m.

Mersing, Endau and Sibu

I'm back from Mersing, Endau and Sibu Island Resort (SIR). Itching all over from sandfly bites.. OUCH.

Had a tiring but rather fun time. Stood in the sun the whole of Sunday morning at a dirty beach at Endau which we spent about an hour looking for.. I was quite happy with the shots that we took.. Got a headache from the sun though.. =(

After Endau was SIR.. met my bro there.. yay! Haven't seen my sis-in-law and nephew for quite awhile already.

It's quite a nice place with 4 beaches.. I only managed to visit 2.. got the stupid sandfly bites from one of them. bah..

Got up early to catch a sunrise at the other beach. Got blocked by a hill.. darn! oh well.. Got a few nice shots of the waves!!

Will try to upload to my homepage one of these days. The files are very big though.. mostly 3 and 5 megapixels.. good luck trying to load them on your browser. Hehehe..

Ok. Better run. Got 2 visitors coming. And later meeting someone for tea around 4 plus. Hope she joins HQ...

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