4:36 p.m.


I'm back after 2 weeks in Indonesia.

I can't even begin to talk about what I was doing there or what I saw. Will upload the pictures when they're ready. I'm a staunch believer that a picture speaks a thousand words.

But I do want to say this:

those of you who complain of the heat here should be thankful. At least you have a home to go back to, a fan or air conditioning to turn on. I know some who don't.

Those who complain of irritating siblings or parents or relatives, at least they're still around to bug you. My driver in Meulaboh lost his sister and parents and nephews and nieces. The 15 year old girl selling food at the stall down the road lost her entire family, and had to seek refuge with an aunt.

I shall count my blessings.

To those who've kept me sane while I was there (Tris, Minz, COL ma'am):

Thank you! Bet you didn't realise how important u were at helping me keep my sanity.

Now it's time for me to make up for the loss of my bed for the last 2 weeks. Safari beds are bad for the back in the long run. You have been warned.

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