12:55 a.m.

My favourite colour...

... is blue.

... well, one of my favourites anyway. The other being black. But that's besides the point.

The point is, it's such a nice favourite colour that sometimes it tends to reflect my feelings too.

Like now.

I know why I'm blue. A few reasons, actually. Partly work, partly other stuff.

But I don't wanna think or talk about that 'other stuff'. Cos it scares me. I only ever felt this way before many many years ago. At a major crossroad of my life. I made my choice then. I don't have a choice to make now. Which is all the more frightening. Because there is nowhere to turn.

And I can't talk to anyone about it. Cos no one will understand. I know no one would. Only me.

And HIM. HE knows. I hope that He, in his Infinite Wisdom and Mercy, finds it in His heart to forgive me.


If you have no clue about what I'm talking about in the last few paragraphs, don't worry. You won't be the only one. It's not meant to be understood. I understand, and I think that's enough for me. At least letting some of it out helps ease things that teeny-weeny little bit.

Perhaps only my PA might know what I'm talking about if she can still read my mind like she used to. =)

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