7:42 p.m.

Licenced to ... Drive

Well, today was a good day. Woke up nice and early for my driving test. Whaddaya know, I passed. *grinz*

And no, you idiotic taxi-door, I did NOT bribe the TESTER (and not instructor, you goon). hahaha..

Had to wait 45 minutes to get my temp driving licence though, so had a good chat and lunch with someone I just met (her name was Cynthia).

Stoned at some Taiwanese bubble tea place after that, then went to see my Osteopath about the back. Now it's tired. The back, that is. Supposed to go back on Monday evening for follow up.

After that, had the mother of all headaches that lasted till now. Ouch.

All in all, a good day, I think. But right now, I think I wanna sleep.

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