11:22 p.m.

NDP, COL series and Indon Class

Happy National Day, all!

Well, it's abit early, but I'm quite certain I won't be posting for the next 2 days at least..

On duty on Tues. Bleah.. Mr K said he's short of manpower so I have no choice but to be deployed. In uniform. Ah well, the one consolation is that we look good in our uniforms. Ok.. and the next is that I get to see some people I really am looking forward to seeing. =)


Oh yeah.. we're gonna start a COL ma'am series on my webpage soon. Look out for it! (I think she'll really murder me when and if she finds out.. =p)

Akan datang, folks!


Speaking of akan datang.. Indon class is starting soon. but I can't make it for the first day of course. Isn't that sad? It's welcome tea for one of the chapters and I gotta be there. Then again, I'm going with my PA (IF she doesn't abandon me, that is), so that's one good reason to smile I guess. =)

And in any case, the duck is also in the same class so I'm not really too excited about attending...

OK.. Mr Zhou beckons..

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