12:03 a.m.


Scene 1:

WB (in full uniform) in front, and me (in AVD working uniform - don't ask me why.. long story) behind, walking towards the juniors

SO: *salutes WB* afternoon sir!

WB: *returns salute* afternoon!

SO: *turns towards me, salutes* afternoon ma'am!

Me: afternoon!

SO: Why are you in that thing?

Me: Don't ask..

SO: Should have shouted and asked you why you're wearing this ****** thing before saluting you.. =p

Me: ... -_-"

Scene 2: About five mins after Scene 1

Me: (about to walk off to join the AVD gang) OK, SO. Don't flirt!

SO: ... with you ah? *places arm round my shoulders*

Me: ... -_-"


Why is it funny incidents happen with SO around?? =p

Duty today was so bleah lah.. I was bored to tears.. didn't get to talk much to the juniors. Haiz..



Minz sms-ed to say she's got abit of a fever.. sigh.. 17 hrs on the plane + lack of sleep. Hope she recovers soon! You guys pray for her k?

Came home to read an email from her. Here's the thingy in its entirety:


Hi everyone! Just a quick update from Austria to let all of you know that we're fine here.

The flight was really long and it obviously took its toll on us all. Michelle's luggage was tossed around during checkin we guess coz now the zipper's broken and it can't be locked. We're planning to report it later on to Emirates so we can try to make a claim with the insurance company. The teamers (organizers) will be helping us with that.

Anyway, by the end of the first day, all of us have gone past 36 hours without sleep (the type where we lie horizontally? Not including dozing off on the little seat on the plane) and we were all half dead and being sociable was super hard. Michelle and I got the bad deal coz both our names are so easy to get and most people got it the first time around whereas the names of the other delegates are kindda hard to pronounce (plus the terrible lack of rest). At first it was: Thank god for name tags. And then we realised their names aren't pronounced the way it's spelt!

Weather wise, for all the good that our internet research has done us, we were played out!!!! It was supposed to be SUMMER right? So we've all packed for summer (around 25 degrees in the day) but when we arrived, it was raining and cold (14 degrees) and even the austrians were complaining about the weather. But all of us are fine. In the hostel, it's cozy and warm. 4 to a room with a shower (with hot water, yippee!) and toilet in each room. Nice living conditions. Food's great and dining room looks like the equivalent of a jap restaurant back home.

Time's up for now. Don't wanna run late for the next activity. Will e-mail again when we're free. Please feel free to forward this e-mail. Tata!



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