3:22 p.m.

It's over!!

1. NPDP 2005 - End of FAD.. was rather tiring..

2. CCHS (Main) CLDDS performance - finally over.. one and a half days of headache over the lighting design. Remind me never to do a show in NAFA Theatre again, Sucks. But the good part of it is that the CCHS (Main) directors seemed to like the design. *happy*

Waiting for it to end:

1. WRCDCEC 2005 follow ups.
2. His treatments.
3. WRCD 2005 actual day,
4. Appreciation Reception for Tsunami Helpers.

That's it up to May.

Looking forward to:

1. Spending some time drinking the bottles of wine someone bought for me.
2. KL Trip (coming soon!)
3. My sister and niece and new nephew's return!!


*tired due to rushing here and there*

*arm aching due to heavy casualty*

*sleepy due to lack of sleep*


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