12:35 p.m.


Just finished washing and polishing car. Very tiring, but at least looks cleaner now. Heh..


Was watching LOTR3 last night.. the movie really really long siah.. fortunately was in the comfort of a home, so could pause and rewind as we like. Almost fell asleep though.. one person did. Haha.. she's the only person I know who watched the movie in three sittings.


My nephew did quite well (well, as compared to his older sister) for his PSLE.. 3 A-stars and 1 A. Aggregate 253. I'm amazed he got A for chinese.. haha.. Chinese in this family is ermmm... =x Then again, I got A for chinese for MY PSLE too.. the scores just gradually ermmm... dropped through the years.. =x

So now I owe him 70 bucks. Cos I said for every A-star he got he'd get 20 bucks, and for every A 10 bucks. For every B he got he owes me 10 bucks and each C would cost him 20 bucks. At least some motivation for him.. haha.. but in any case he's quite a guai kid lah.. just that these days he's getting abit too smart-mouthed for his own good. Must whack him into shape.

Oh ya! I gotta grouse about this. He wants to go CHS. There's no RC there. He refuses to join our counterparts, which is good. BUT HE WANTS TO JOIN THE GIGs!!!! I'll kick his butt if he does. Bleah.. I told him to join the MIBs.. afterall, CHS has a very strong NP unit. hahaha.. and take after my footsteps mah.. I was a cadet in blue too! =p Must overwrite my brother's influence in this matter.. hehehe..


Going out to my parents' place soon. Gonna meet my bro and his family. Shall try to sell koyok to my nephew there. hehehe..

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