8:35 p.m.


Went to pick him from SNEC today. He went for post-surgery check up.

Doesn't look good to me. According to her, he's been having respiratory difficulties. I could see it for myself.

Two days ago he couldn't even walk. And apparently he hasn't been sleeping well, for the coughing fits that he's been having. Neither has she, cos she couldn't sleep while he was coughing away.

I'm scared. The meeting with Onco is on 20th - the day I'm supposed to get my stitches removed. I don't know what the pre-appt x-ray will show. I'm not sure I wanna know.

My GS asked me why we're still going to Onco since he doesn't want to do anything. I have no answer. Perhaps it's only just to know that nothing has changed.

For once, no news WOULD be good news.


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