12:44 p.m.

What can I say?

Sometimes life plays funny tricks on you. Tricks that you don't even consider 'funny'.

Well, at least I'm glad they're taking much better than I am. I doubt I'll ever go into denial, unlike what those theories say. Strangely, I've accepted it. Just that those fool glands of mine wouldn't listen to reason.

I suppose I've psyched myself up for this day and this announcement ever since the first visit to A&E. It's a matter of time. Still..

I think the only person who'll understand really what I'm going through now is probably YP. Thanks for the call. Really appreciate it. I think I'll really become an expert in this topic soon.

To those who don't know what I'm talking about: Don't worry. Nothing's wrong with me.

It's the not knowing that'll kill me eventually I think. So I'm rather glad we're being pro-active about things, although it means more leave-taking on my part from work. Hope the boss understands.

I wonder why it's only in times of difficulty that people (at least me) think of God? Maybe because deep down inside us we're hoping for a miracle, or for an answer that seems to elude us.

My Father.. let me carry his pain.. I can't bear to see him like this.....

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