10:59 a.m.

It's finally over

One down! Or as my 'boss' said 'We clear our event liao'.

Results weren't too shocking I suppose. Or maybe as the boss said 'No more feeling liao.. so many years already'.

I suppose the highlight of the day was the GOH losing his way. He went to the wrong CHIJ. And to think that when he called me to say he was at 'the school gate', and the school gate 'is locked', I panicked and RAN.. yep RAN.. all the way from the court to the gate. Only to panic again when I couldn't find him. Then I called and realised that he was in the wrong school.

So the boss, the chairman and I drove out to the other school to guide him to the correct school.


Anyway, yah.. glad it's finally over. One month's time to the next one. All the best, you people who need to train like mad now.

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