8:15 p.m.

3 dates with my physio

Date 1:

I find out she's my junior in secondary school. Same CCA too for that matter! Both in blue! The sad thing is I don't remember her. Haha.

Anyway, first session went well. Had traction. Was pretty ok. Then again, like I told her, I have a pretty high threshold for pain. She made me do exercises at home too.

Date 2 (2 weeks after date 1:


Made me do weights and use the striding machine for the good part of 30 mins at least. THEN came traction. Also had to do more exercises at home! My goodness! I nearly broke my back!

Date 3 (1 week after date 2):

Waited with bated breath to see what she'd do to torture me again. It'd been a bad week for the ole back (thanks in part to having to teach Eric's 153 links hand seats the day before), so I was kinda worried I wouldn't be able to take the gym.

She was worried too when I told her it'd been a bad week. She was nice and didn't torture me! I did traction for 20 mins then went on to this other therapy. Basically she stuck 4 suction cups (2 on the back and 2 on the leg) then used an �nterferential (is this how it's spelt??) current to jolt some stuff.. Kind of like those OSIM massage thingies although she described the sensation as ant-bites. 20 mins of that and we're done.

She even gave me a day off the exercises. Gosh.. what luxury!!

Date 4 would be 1 week after date 3. I again wait with bated breath.


I finally got round to delivering a box of chocs and a thank you card to the nurses in Ward 45B (on the day of date 3 with my physio). I think they were pleasantly surprised. I think nurses are an under-appreciated lot.

While I was at it I gave my physio a box of chocs too.


Had a nice long catching up session with LPS and LTT. Been a really long time since the 3 of us got together into mischief. Spent the best part of 8pm to 1am just yakking and laughing. Thanks, gals! =)


All in all an o-k-a-y week. Not the best, but okay.

Oh ya. The monsters are back in SBW.

That's it for now. Toodle'oo!

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