8:39 p.m.


1. Parcel arrived from UK on 24th Dec. NOW I know why it's so costly. Gosh. Thanks, Minz. The 2 packs probably added up to like one third of the cost. I told GT her gift is super expensive, considering it came from afar. Haha..

2. Went to watch Narnia and HP by myself today - 2 movies in a row.. not bad huh! Des said I should've called him since I was so bored. Then again, he's watched both movies so I doubt he'd want to watch them again. Fun leh.. been a really long time since my last movie.. I don't even remember when or what movie it was.. could've been 7 swords with Minz.. or Charlie and the Choc Fac, or something else after that. I can't recall.

Anyway, I wonder if this means that I'm learning to slack? haha..

3. DiPaR Camp happening 7 and 8 Jan! Exciting, exciting! Those interested in disaster preparedness can sms or email me if you're interested in attending. I'll see if can find more spaces for you.

Essentially, I think the Incident Manager for this coming exercise abit tootz. Can't give any details here.. too public.

4. Thanks for the presents, bro and PA1.1.1.. Love �m! =D Bro - very meaningful!

5. Civilisation IV ROCKS! Yes, unbelievers, I DO play computer games.. when I have the time and the game is right.. But my comp has cmi video card. I give up after the game hung like 4 times in a row. Bahs.

Been hunting high and low for the ENGLISH version of RO3K.. does ANYONE know where I can find it?? I saw the mandarin version somewhere, but like.. it's in fan ti zi, so how in the world am I supposed to read it?? Anyway, if anyone does know where I can find the english version, please please please do let me know. You will be handsomely rewarded... =p

6. I just read someone's entry for Talentime 2005.. let's just say that I was stunned. The gang who went TCC on Boxing Day will know my exact reaction. Haiz. What is the world coming to? I wish the ALL the judges of all categories luck.

OK That's enough announcements for now. Need to go lie down again. Bad back week, this...

Speaking of which.. here's a final announcement for this post..

7. Going for 2 MRIs on 8 Feb. One for the back and one for the right knee. And a pelvic xray. And a blood test. All on the same day. Wish me luck.

That's it.. really going off now.. Toodle'oo!!

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