10:57 p.m.

Brain waves

The following brain waves occurred:

1. Holland Village

Went past Holland VIllage on the way home just now... was reminded of the time when Minz and I walked to her place after a couple of drinks one night. Had a good talk and a nice longish walk at about... 2am in the morning? =) Wish I could do it again.

2. Shakespeare

Was it the old bard who said that 'a rose by any other name would smell as sweet'? Some people just need to learn that I think. No matter whether you call the group a detachment or a chapter or an alumni, we're still serving the organisation right? Haiz..

3. Oil price hike

Air fares have gone through the roof! My airfare to the can-land costs a whopping S$2303!! That's excluding airport tax. GOSH! Faintz...


Completed the course. Now for theory paper then practical. Hopefully can pass all the first time. *pray*

OK I think that should be about it for now. Rather brain dead due to overload of brain waves these few days.. haha..

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