8:53 a.m.

Emails are...

... things which I've been receiving at the weirdest hours from my boss and my PA. Hey you two gals take care yah! Sending emails to me at wee hours of the morning means you've not been sleeping early. Don't neglect your health.

... things which someone sent to someone else to complain about another someone. My take on it is this: If you can't manage your own time well, don't begrudge others who can.

... things which mean WORK, so try not to send me too many, ok? =p


Was here so darned early in the morning to see the cadets off to a FAD. Here's what happened:

Cadets (from a certain all-girls' school): Good morning ma'am!..... *SCREAM* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! *Jump up and down*

Me: ???

PS: Cockroach lah..

Junior 1: Baby cockroach somemore...

Me: -_-'"


Sigh.. kids. But hey, thanks for coming to help at such last minute notice and for such a long duration. Hope no one got bullied by the GIGs.

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