8:39 p.m.


Today my colleague came and gave me a video cassette on the performance put up by staff and volunteers at the 50th Anniversary Dinner, called 'Rejuvenation'. After 5 years, I finally get to see the hard work put in for that night again.

I went to the conference room to play the video. Looking at the performance, I realise the daunting task ahead of me for this year's 55th Anniversary Dinner. I wondered if we could pull off another 'Rejuvenation'. Blood, sweat, and tears (literally) went into the production of Rejuvenation. Would we still have what it takes to pull another one off?

We need dancers, singers, song writers (I wrote the lyrics for Rejuvenation), backstage crew, costume people... the list seems endless. Are we able to live up to our reputation as the most arty-farty UG in Singapore?

Daunting is the word. D.A.U.N.T.I.N.G.

Chorus from 'Rejuvenation' by Doreen Tan

SRCS 50th Anniversary Song

'What is this I see

Right before my very eyes?

A light that is brighter than the brightest skies?

The Red Cross is a brilliant light

shining in the darkest night.

This light must never die,

For on it many hopes lie.'

Somehow I believed in it when I wrote it. I think I still do...?

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