9:20 p.m.

From the depths of my soul

Remembered fondly and dearly missed
My father thou shalt ever be.
Thy legacy continued in thy absence,
My lord and sovereign who brought me forth,
Thy blood forever coursing through mine veins,
Thy words forever ringing in mine heart.

Indebted to thee, thy daughter ever shalt be.
Never again to ever repay thee
Adequately for thy love, thy blessings,
Never again canst she tell thee, father,
Thou hast walked this road�s full length with love,
From which she draws endless, boundless strength.

From deep within the depths of my soul
to the essence of my very being,
my lord, my sovereign gone before me,
will I, left behind by thee on this earth,
remember thee fondly, miss thee dearly,
mine father, now, for all eternity.

130906 - 0937
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