12:22 a.m.


A part of me really wants to say goodbye. But somehow, it really is difficult. More difficult sometimes, I think, than sorry. And that's saying alot, since alot of people find it hard to say a truthful sorry. But I digress.


Simple 7-letter word, yet so complex, so hard to utter.

It's not that I want to hang on. No, no, no!! But... I can't say goodbye. How do you bid farewell to something which has been with you for so long?

Who understands my pain? It's more than just giving up a part of me. It's more than just letting go of a relationship.


My words have once again returned to haunt me.

'One must be responsible in quitting'.



It's partly my fault that things have turned out this way, you know? Although only 2 people are aware of this. Damn. Sometimes I think I'm too kaypoh for my own good. But I didn't know then that he'd turn out to be like that.


Thank you ma'am for listening and sharing. You have my deepest sympathies.

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