10:23 p.m.

Silver threads from the head...

1. What does it take for a doctor to prescribe morphine to a patient?

Morphine. M-O-R-P-H-I-N-E.

From dictionary.com:
A bitter crystalline alkaloid, C17H19NO3�H2O, extracted from opium, the soluble salts of which are used in medicine as an analgesic, a light anesthetic, or a sedative. Also called morphia.

2. YP came for lunch today. Thanks, gal!! Good to see you again!

3. Today I felt abit overwhelmed. What with being gas chambered (not just me, thank goodness) for the whole damn morning, and then lunch with the rest, and so many queries about stuff that I have no answer to, and sms-ing people and getting stupid responses in return. AND people who don't answer phone calls. Too many things to do, too little time.

Time. Once again I wonder about it. I think I wrote a post about it some time back. Maybe it's time to re-read the post.

4. I hope the person I'm closest to in the Division doesn't quit. Life would be much much different without her around. I'm sure YOU know I'm talking about YOU.

5, Been rather tired again lately. Think the back is getting abit worse. And I HATE it when people say or insinuate that it's psychological cos it bloody well isn't. The next one who says or insinuates so is gonna get a kick up the ass.

Seems like a rather grouchy post isn't it? Well, I'm tired, so yeah. Or, as YP would say... I like what, cannot meh?


YP.. just realised today I've known her for all of 7 years or more. How time flies.

OK.. enough musings. Back to Mr Zhou. Speaking of Zhou though, COL ma�m is STUCK in INDIA. Freezing herself to death. Why does she do these things to herself? Silly ma�m.

OKOK.. I really had better go. Ciaoz!

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