9:53 p.m.

Street Sales...

... a really humbling experience. Why?

It's not my first time doing it. In fact, I've done it for the past several years. Yet it strikes me once again how ungracious people can be,

Scene: At Republic Plaza outside Tower 1


Me: Hi sir. Would you like to buy a charity draw ticket for R** C****?

Stranger: *holds up hand and shows me his palm and walks away without a word*

My Colleague: Maybe should tell him this is not a road, so don't need to hold up his hand hor?


Me: Hi ma'am. Would you like to... *stranger walks away at a quicker pace*

Me: ...!!


Me: *Walking towards someone*

Stranger: (deliberately turns 90 degrees and walks in another direction)


Have we all forgotten our manners!?!?!

Anyway, ONE good thing came out of street sales today! Met another old friend!! I've known her since... I don't know.. long ago. She used to be a model. And a newsreader (those who watch Channel 5 News at 9.30pm should know who she is). Now working in a law firm (Associate - whatever that means.. I know she's got a law degree).

She bought 2 books from me. Haha.. or rather, she made her friend buy one and she bought another.

Thanks, Chris! Good to see ya again! (Not that she comes here...)

So yep. This is a month of catching up with old friends.


Kahf's gone to cambridge for a month. Will be outta cyberspace for the duration. Haiz.

Hope she's safe.

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