7:36 a.m.


Medium Shot: She (referring to Ms Big Shot) asked me to go sing karaoke with her.. Now why would I wanna do that? I mean.. I can hardly breathe with all the work.. doesn't she know she reminds me of work??



During SYF, over walkies:

Me: Hey check out the C2IC of that contingent.. She's swaying on her feet!

Awhile later...

Junior 1: She's now standing with her feet apart!

Still later...

Junior 2 (the 'speck of dust'): At the rate she's going she'll be fine.. she's moving so much I'm sure she won't faint!

Me: You have a point.

Juniors: hehehe..


Someone seems rather adament about not giving us the three modular tents we requested for for NATCAMP. Heck lah.. As I was telling Ms Medium Shot.. If he doesn't want to give, then nvm.. I'll bring our own RC FAP tent and plonk it somewhere. Then ask our dearest counterparts (can you see the sarcasm dripping from the words) to settle their own.


On a more serious note:

Woke up at 5.15am today. He's gone to SNEC for cataract surgery. I've popped into office for awhile. Nurse said he should be done by tennish. I'll be back then.

*yawn* not used to sleeping on my old bed, so didn't really sleep well. Good night for now...

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