8:47 p.m.


Been another few days, hasn't it? Well, I've been busy rushing here and there and all..

My body system is a little topsy-turvy thanks to redbull. You see, I was really really tired on Saturday after rushing from ITE Bishan to HQ to MGS back to ITE then to HQ and MGS again before going back to HQ to complete a powerpoint presentation. Then someone suggested I drink redbull, so since I was really almost stoned at 9.30pm, I decided to drink a bottle. Then on Sunday, I drank another half bottle.

So while my body is screaming blue murder, the redbull has fooled my brain into thinking that I'm still hyper. So yep. There you have it.. a topsy-turvy body system.

This week's gonna be a serious of fights, I tellya.. some people just don't see it, no matter how hard you try to explain. Bet the colleagues in the same Division as me would agree. Oh well, it takes all kinds to make the world go round.

Alrighty then (don't mean to sound like Jim Carey, but I do so happen to rather like that phrase).. forward and upward! (whatever that means!)

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